Ofsted Briefing – Attendance
@ DBCL Stadium
School Improvement Halton have invited Rachel Goodwin HMI to talk about Ofsted and Attendance.
During the briefing Rachel will look at all stakeholder responsibilities and how this forms judgements around attendance during inspections.
Rachel Goodwin, Senior HMI, maintained schools and academies
Rachel is a qualified English teacher and has extensive teaching and senior leadership experience in a range of schools. Rachel has expertise in teaching and learning, curriculum and leadership. Before working for Ofsted, Rachel gained significant school improvement and leadership experience across all phases as an independent school improvement consultant. More recently she was as a senior school improvement officer for a local authority. Rachel inspects a range of provisions, including primary, secondary, special and independent schools.
To book: https://forms.office.com/e/B8fzprN3i3
Further information please contact mike.stapleton-chambers@halton.gov.uk