Early Years transition event
This year we will be holding an Early Years transition event at the DCBL Stadium in Widnes on 20th May 2024. Runcorn settings will be invited to the morning session 9-11am and Widnes settings will be invited to the afternoon session 1 – 3pm. The intention of the event is to provide a transition process for children moving into reception who might be considered vulnerable or may have additional needs. Attached are the PowerPoint slides from our recent SENCo network about transitions and the Early Years transition form. The transition form has been put together by the Specialist Teacher Advisory Service with input from our Early Years providers. This is not a form for every child in your setting and this is not a form for children with an EHCP. Children with EHCP will already have a transition plan in place for starting school.
We are asking you to complete this form and bring it to the transition event for any child who:
You may have initial concerns about but have not yet started the graduated approach.
Are currently on a SEND support plan.
You have applied for top up funding.
You are making reasonable adjustments for the child in nursery and feel they may need similar adjustments in school.
You will need to have parent consent to talk about their child at the transition event, there is space on the form for a parent signature.
At the Transition event you will have opportunity to speak to the child’s receiving school, to discuss their individual strengths and needs. Given numbers and time restrictions we estimate you will be able to fully discuss 3 children at the event. Any additional completed forms can be handed over to the school for the reception teacher to read. Please could you email the names, dates of birth and the name of receiving school of the 3 children you wish to discuss to Mike.Stapleton-Chambers@halton.gov.uk by 30/04/24. We do not need you to email the form, please bring that to the event with you. At the event there will be other professionals available to talk to including health professionals, representatives from the Family Hubs, Speech and language and Wellcomm support from Early Years team.
We are hopeful that this joined up working will help to prevent children’s needs being missed. A member of the Early years team will be in contact with you to arrange a visit to support your setting with the transition forms and processes.
Reminder of key dates:
Parents are informed of their child’s school place on 16/04/24.
Please email names, date of birth and name of receiving school for the 3 children to be discussed to Mike.Stapleton-Chambers@halton.gov.uk by 30/04/24
Transition event 20th May 2024 at DCBL stadium. Runcorn settings 9 – 11am and Widnes setting 1 – 3pm.
Finally, I wanted to thank you in advance of your support to help build our transition processes for children in Early Years. The valuable knowledge you hold about the children in your care will make the difference to a positive transition into school for the children who may need an extra supported handover.