Governor Conference

Audience – Governors and Headteachers

Theme: The Role of Governors in Improving Outcomes for all through Effective Attendance Strategies 

Time Item Presenter
08.30-9.15 Breakfast


09.15-09.10 Welcome


Jill Farrell / Halton Governor Services
09.10-10.45 Keynote Address: The Impact of Low Attendance on Inclusion TBC
10.45-11.00 Break


11.00-12.15 Keynote 2: Improving Outcomes for all through Effective Attendance Strategies TBC
12.15-13.00 Lunch


13.00-13.45 Workshop 1: An Introduction to Maintained School Finance for Governors


Michelle Williams,
Entrust School Finance
13.45-14.30 Workshop 2: Holding Headteachers to Account – what does it mean and how should we do it?


Fiona Stagg,
Independent Governance Consultant
14.30-14.45 Break


14.45–15.30 Workshop 3: Success in Improving Attendance in Halton


A Halton school tbc
15.30-16.00 Plenary Session & Close




Workshop 1 Title: An Introduction to Maintained School Finance for Governors

Workshop 2 Title: Holding Headteachers to Account – what does it mean and how should we do it?

Workshop 3 Title: Success in Improving Attendance in Halton

To book email


Nov 17 2023


All Day


DCBL stadium