New to School/SEND Governor Training
This training is aimed at all Governors who want to know more about data, the role of SEND and the wider governing body.
An overview of Halton’s performance versus national against the key performance measures for end of key stage assessments including:
- Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
- Phonics (Year 1) and Phonics (End of Key Stage)
- Key Stage 1 (KS1)
- Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) (If data made available on time)
- Key Stage 2 (KS2)
We will also look at the gaps for the various vulnerable groups, such as disadvantaged children, SEN support children, children with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) and others.
This aspect of training will look at the role of the SEND governor and allow reflection of current practice of your governing body. We will also look at the wider role of the governing body in relation to SEND. Most of the principles discussed will apply to most governor roles.
Pleased enrol below or for more information contact: